Everything they are doing to Trump, they are going to do to you
He is us and we are him and this is not just about simply adding insult to injury with the government overreach being applied to the best POTUS in modern history, but also making a mockery of the office by inserting (by way of a stolen election) the least likely candidate for president and least likable candidate for VP.
The time for diplomacy is over. RINOs too afraid of setting a bad precedent knew the entire time that the bad cop to their good cop would do this and they had a four year warning and total control in 2016 and did nothing to capitalize on making right the wrongs of the present or stopping the political Left from advancing their agenda.
It is my prediction that they are going to impeach Biden next. As soon as he is finished with his duties as a Trojan horse, he will be converted into the scapegoat that they drive out of office and then the wildly unpopular Kamala Harris will sneak her way into his spot. That was their plan all along. They have plenty of dirt to remove him - from Tara Reade, to his and Hunter’s shady business dealings or the fact that Biden himself prophesied that maybe he will just come down with a disease and need to step down.
THE GOAL ALL OF THIS is to incite a REAL insurrection and THAT is why I believe the now seemingly completely unnecessary military presence is stationed outside of the Capitol building.
The political Left colluded to commit election fraud, staged a planned riot to frame Trump for inciting the riot they planned and then accused all of his supporters of being domestic terrorists after financially and politically supporting Left-wing violence carried out by BLM and Antifa - who they refused to investigate or charge with any serious crimes for the most part.